- Recherche
Soutenance de Thèse d'Eliane BICCHERI
Le 13 décembre 2022Salle C248 bâtiment Censive - Nantes Universitéfalse false
Début : 14h
Madame Eliane BICCHERI
sur le sujet suivant :
Effet de la spiritualité explicite et implicite sur la satisfaction de vie,
la fatigue et la douleur des personnes atteintes de fibromyalgie
Fibromyalgie, spiritualité et stratégies de coping
Composition du jury :
Rapporteurs :
- Nathalie BAILLY, Professeure des universités, Université de Tours
- Oscar NAVARRO, Professeur des universités, Université de Nîmes
Examinateurs :
- Anne CONGARD, Professeure des universités, Nantes Université
- Patty VAN CAPPELLEN, Assistant Research Professor, Duke University
Résumé :
The objective of this research is to identify the effects of spirituality on the lives of people with fibromyalgia. Three studies were carried out on this matter: first, 590 people on life satisfaction, second 714 people on subjective well-being and fatigue, and lastly, 125 people on pain and catastrophism. Coping data was collected for all three studies using the French version of the WCC from Cousson et al. (1996, The Ways of Coping Checklist). For spirituality, with the explicit spirituality questionnaire from Roussiau et al. (2018) was used on the first study and the implicit spirituality questionnaire from Ameline et al. (2019) for the other two. The statistical data shows the existence of correlation between spiritualityand the different forms of coping as well as between these different forms of coping and the different variables studied. Further analysis shows that the different coping strategies can be mediating variables allowing an indirect link between spirituality and quality of life. The analysis of the textual data reveals the patients despair, lack of listening and understanding from their immediate environment. Many people with fibromyalgia experience all-over muscle and joint pain and extreme fatigue, but also suffer because of the felling they have not to be enough understood. Spirituality seems to improve life satisfaction through the specific use of certain strategies.